Alhamdulillah, it's going to be 8th day of Ramadhan..Alhamdulillah, for giving me the strength n capabilities to fulfill the responsibilities as Muslim, to be fast in this Holy month..I'm soo happy, blessed with the happiness that I've never had enjoy the month of Ramadhan with my other every moments of it!!!!
I'm happy:
~wake up in early morning, preparing the food for our 'sahur'
~back from work, rushing to my little kitchen, preparing the dishes for our 'buka puasa'
~walking to the surau for 'solat terawih'
~reciting Al-Quran together with him
~have our supper time after 'terawih' with kueh2
~shopping raya with him
Love every moment of Ramadhan with him, hope that this Ramadhan will not be our last Ramadhan!!! =)) Hope that this Ramadhan will strong us, hope that we will be blessed with happiness on this month=))Amin....
2 comments: sweet having first ramadhan together ya..nk kawen gak..huhuhu
hehe...alhamdulillah,cepat2 kawen tau. jgn lupa jemput!!!
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