well, enough said that it's good to travel n see other side of world. be physically n mentally prepared, especially when you are deciding to travel to western countries, be brave to face any kind of situation for example problems in non-english speaking countries that you will be encountered soon, problems regarding the non-halal food, what else..erm, might have any problems due to bad weather, transport, accomodations etc, that are some part of prob that make you going half insane..hehe (rasa mcm nak balik msia jer time2 tu), well, actually it's good, good to feel that we are living in msia, live without prejudice (hofefully!)...living in our own country..hehe..
well, off to sweden last month, mmg mcm2 memories ada, both sweet n bitter, i kept ll of them deep in my heart..hehe..nasib baik ada hubby kat sebelah, boleh la layan aku membebel, haha..well, ni nk citer pasal sweden skit, since i got few questions from my friends, y both of u choose sweden??napa x pegi uk ka, london ka..hehe..haa....tu lah, korang xtau, sweden mmg besh!!!!i love all the superb views!!!well, sweden mmg best, sbb byk tempat2 menarik to visit,
to name a fews, since we almost covered all attractions places in stockholm, skansen open museum, stockholm archipelago, museum (lots of them, really2 enjoyed it), lagi apa ek, lupa dah..hehe
definitely, mmg best..go directly this web..www.destination-sweden.com..plus dorang punyer public transport, soo efficient!!!thumbs up!!!hehe..well, looking halal food was a bit problem for us, luckily we brought our own food, hehe...at least xderlah nak mkn sandwiches everyday, merasa juge la mkn nasik n serunding daging kat sana..hehe..(thanks to my mom cos cooked us sambal ikan bilis,hehe, penyelamat keadaan!!).....one more thing, nak shopping kat sini, x best sgt kot, since cost of living in sweden is quite high, so rasanya x berbaloi nak shopping..
well, mmg byk lagi tempat2 yg best, apa2 pun, pergilah melancong, hehe..xsalah jlan2 kenal tempat org..hehe...next trip, erm,,thinking of going to aussie or newzealand..which one is better???hehe
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