"Stress is good guys", a statement by one of my closest friend. Really?? Well to me, it's good to be stress for sometime, hehe (sound weird,isn't?). At least, by having stress, it can move you to do something, for example. Aku stress ke? Hehe...Being a trainee lecturer (aka tutor) and postgrad student (currently I'm on my study leave), sometimes I felt stress. Stress due to what?? hehe..mcm la aku nie rajin sgt study or whatever, but sometimes I felt stress:
1.when I caught in traffic jam on my way back from office
2.when I couldn't watch my favourite programme on tv when there is football match (fyi: my hubby will glued himself to the tv when Arsenal is on air plus he's very loyal and big fan of Arsenal, even hujan lebat kat luar pun dia boleh buat xtau ajer if Arsenal on tv, hehe)
3.when I had my assignment due (nampak sgt suka buat kerja last minit, hehe)
4. when I had lots of household chores to settle esp during weekdays
5.when I can't finish my research work on time...(really stressful)
Alamak, so many things that made me in stress condition..at least, all the things made me move on, xderlah malas lagi, hehe
Well, I'm not saying that I'm always in stress condition, but sometimes I felt that it's good to stress..hehe..so that I can enjoy my de-stress therapy..SHOPPING!!!Some ppl say that shopping is not a good therapy for de-stress, but it's ok for me. Daripada aku buat something yg weird while I'm having stress, lebih baik aku cuci mata dekat shopping mall, tgk apa2 yg patut, then end up with shopping,hehe..
Here, I found some tips on how to manage stress..
Tips For Managing Stress
We can’t just ignore stress and hope it will go away. Too much stress, good or bad, can affect your health. Chronic stress takes the joy out of life. Here’s some tips to manage the stress in your life:
1)Talk to family and friends: It’s important to remember that you’re not alone. There are people who care and are available to listen when you need to talk. They may even be able to offer some help. If they do offer their help– “just say YES”!
2)Reduce chemical stress: Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and sugar can all raise energy on a short term level but in the long run they will just make things worse. Limit their use especially at bedtime so you don’t interfere with normal sleep.
3)Put things into perspective: Ask yourself if an issue is really worth the emotional and physical energy it is costing you and does it really matter in the long run? Prioritize the problems you need to deal with and tackle the most important ones first. Give yourself permission to let go of things that you cannot get done.
4)Use exercise to reduce stress and improve health: Physical exercise is one of the most effective stress-busters. It relaxes tense muscles and improves sleep. Remember though, keep it fun – do things that you enjoy but don’t forget to check with your doctor before you start a new exercise program.
5)Slow down when your leave work: Find a hobby or noncompetitive activity that you enjoy, such as sports, yoga, reading, or listening to music. Take a long bath or get a massage. Leave the work pressures behind when you go home for the day.
6)Remove stress from your environment: Poor air quality, bad lighting and noise can really increase stress. To improve air quality, ban smoking from the areas you control, open windows for fresh air, and use plants or humidifiers to provide moisture. Avoid fluorescent lighting and use full spectrum lights whenever possible. If noise is an issue, find a quiet space to work or read. If that’s not possible consider headphones with relaxing background music or earplugs.
7)Manage your time to manage your stress: Use your time in the most effective and productive way possible. Prepare lunches and meals in advance to cut down on before and after work stress. Plan projects so you have the things you need before you start. Planning ahead gives you more control of your life and reduces stress.
8)Improve your attitude: If you have a negative attitude you may create problems out of opportunities and cause stress by alienating or irritating other people. Minor problems can seem huge and overwhelming. Look for the “silver lining” when faced with tough situations or mistakes. Remember you have control over your attitude towards life and how you let events affect you.
As for me: I almost did the No. 1 tip..hehe..I'll talk to my loved ones esp hubby and mom whenever I hv stress. Besides, I did the No.5 tip, take a long bath after work and enjoy my Body Shop Africa Spa Scrub while bathing and Monoi Moisture Balm to moisten up my skin, very refreshing and smells good ;)) And for the rest tips, I think it's good depends on individual..and YOU have to decide on your own and for your own good..;))Well, don't stress too much. Take it as challenge and it will bring you forward!!!